To be able to survive and ensure a sustainable position in the rapidly changing and highly competitive market, companies should continuously improve their performance. Also they have to enhance resource utilization efficiency, match supply with the drastic changes in consumer demand.
To achieve these goals companies often need external support from consultants specialized in marketing management. In a short period of time consultants can offer solutions that meet the company’s and its clients’ needs. Also they provide support in the process of marketing management.
Operating in Armenia and in foreign markets for 5 years, Neurohub Business Academy has been providing marketing management consulting services to public and private organizations, international development agencies, entrepreneurs and start-ups, operating in the fields of manufacturing, agriculture and processing, services, finances, etc.
Neuromarketing Business Academy strives to find individual marketing solutions for each company. This solutions not only contribute to performance improvement, but also fully correspond to the company’s strategies, principles and values.

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